Judy was awesome to me when I worked at the station in late 2008 and early 2009. Part of the duties of a production assistant was to sit in the studio to run the teleprompter for the anchors at the desk and to tell them how much time was left before the commercial break ended. It was often just Judy and me in the studio and she made it fun. We had sometimes deep chats and good laughs during breaks and reporter packages . This was also when Twitter was still relatively new and I had fun trying to figure it out with her and how best to use it as journalists.
Thanks to social media, we kept in touch over the years after I left. It was nice following her spirituality and positivity. Many of her posts were inspirational and informative.
She celebrated her birthday one week before leaving us. It was the last time we communicated, brief as it was:
@GSorensen nice to see u in my stream",
— Judy Martin (@judymartin8) January 25, 2014
As cheesy as it may sound, this is yet another reminder to live life to its fullest. Just as Judy did.