Thursday, December 20, 2012

Newtown shootings: A hometown is shattered, but pulling itself together (Westport News)

Doug, one of my best friends who usually reports on Connecticut sports, reflects on his hometown of Newtown for his newspaper:
My hometown has always held a special place in my heart.
I've always taken great pride in my hometown, knowing that the comfort and warm memories it's given me for 26 years are luxuries.
But on Friday, my Newtown -- the only place I've ever lived, save for four years of college -- was rattled to its core by a senseless act of violence. As I sat in my house Friday -- only about two miles from Sandy Hook Elementary School -- I felt helpless; hoping, praying that the horrific details that were unfolding were all just a nightmare. I -- like my friends and neighbors who call this quintessential New England town home -- was in disbelief.
The seemingly idyllic community -- so peacefully symbolized by a 100-foot-high flagpole that rests right in the heart of Main Street -- suddenly had become known for unthinkable carnage.
Read more at here.

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