Sent from my Palm Centro smartphone.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Lack of Professionalism
Don Lemon (anchor in Atlanta): Are you joining us later, Poppy, tonight [at 11:00]?
Poppy Harlow (financial reporter in New York): I, I'm not, Don. I actually have a life and have some plans. I'm sorry about that.
Then they laughed.
Perhaps I'm a bit too serious but, as a viewer, I saw this as a lack of respect for the product. Granted, it was an odd question for Lemon to ask if he wasn't sure that the answer would be in the affirmative, but I thought it was an even worse response. Harlow could have left it at a "No," but the "I actually have a life" part irked me.
This comes as the network has gotten rid of on-air veterans like Miles O'Brien (16 years), Jamie McIntyre (20 years), Kathleen Koch (18 years) and Kelli Arena (24 years), and countless others behind the scenes. One must wonder if there is a correlation between letting so many experienced faces go all at once and giving increased airtime to very green (and I don't mean "Planet in Peril") personalities.
I mentioned this to two of my friends. They both work in TV news. One called me a prude and the other asked, "Why aren't you watching football?"
Maybe it's just me.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Why Go to School? Just Buy Your Degree!
Subject: NO Degree NO Job?? Buy a Genuine College Degree at cheap price & deliver to you in 2 weeks, No study neededThat's a shame. I apparently wasted four years of my life. I could've just purchased my degree!
Tired of hearing:
: No Degree, No Job!
: What's your Degree in?
: Where did you go to school?
: You don't Qualify for it!
: With a Degree we could offer you a higher salary & etc ....
Now you can finally Have the degree you deserve based on Your "Life Experience"
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Our degrees are Available for all country residents (US, Europe, Asia, Middleeast, Africa all are welcome)
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We also provide Degree Verification and official Trancripts in writing when requested by employers and others authorized by YOU. This official College & University transcripts meet the highest academic standards printed on premium diploma paper, bearing the Official gold raised SEAL of the awarding University or College
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The more degrees you Have the better your Chances & prospects in life. That is the way life is. It is a competitive world. Don't delay to contact us today
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Day is Here!
Despite working until 11:00 and getting to bed just before midnight, I set my alarm to wake up early and head to the voting precinct so that I could be there when the polls opened at 6:00. I was 22 days too young to vote in 2004 so I was beyond eager to cast my ballot this time around. The turnout at that hour in the morning surprised me but I still wonder if we'll actually see the huge turnout that everyone was expecting ("they" said the same thing in 2004 and I think it stayed just about the same).
So we'll see what happens.
Come along with me as I vote:
Here are some widgets to help follow the election...
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Election Day is Near!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Little Kids are Funny
hey guys guess what???
during school on oct 3rd 2008 i climbed 4320 ft above sea level!!!
On the highest mountian in vermont!
Me along with 1 other girl an 11 other boys realized that
we could do anything when we set our minds to it!
I had a hotdog at my friends b day
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Let's Go Mets!
Sent from my Palm Centro smartphone.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Shea Stadium Again
Sent from my Palm Centro smartphone.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
How I Lost 20+ Pounds
The major change in my life would be the way I ate. I never liked to go hungry and that meant snacking whenever I had the urge (and my house has always been terrible for this -- there's junk food all over the place!). If I found myself eating out, I went with the chicken fingers and fries, sometimes opting for a burger instead. Not exactly longevity food.
So smaller portions of everything became the new rule. At restaurants, I usually now go with the caesar salad with grilled chicken (and dressing on the side so that I could be in control of how much). We're talking about someone who hated salads less than two years ago but I started ordering them at Hofstra University's Bits 'N' Bytes and started loving them. These days, I actually have cravings for salads. I know, what a turnaround. Also, my habit of snacking had to be severely cut -- I try not to snack more than three or four times a week now. And those snacks are smaller. Sure, sometimes I fail, but I try not to let that become the norm.
I had heard about how keeping a log of what you eat every day is helpful in eating less so I figured I'd give it a try. It actually was very helpful because it made me more aware of what I was eating. I only had to do it for the first month or so because I really got the hang of it after that.
The other big change would be the exercise. I started out using the elliptical in the basement for a half hour every day for almost two weeks, then cut it back to every other day. It was very tiring but I really felt like I was accomplishing something. Plus, I was able to get my cable news fix while doing it so I wasn't bored. (This routine unfortunately stopped after a few weeks. I went upstate with my grandparents on July 1st, then broke my toe four days later. I tried getting back on it last week but my toe bothered me for the next two days. I look forward to starting that up again, though.)
Matt said that cardio exercise was good but that I should also try ab exercises. Not something I ever would have thought of. So he had me Google that and find some things that would work for me. I went with the sit-ups and the "bicycle" (yes, I know it looks silly but it's quick and easy). And yes, I'm actually seeing some results.
Weighing myself every morning became a new routine for me as well. I'm not sure the last time I had weighed myself... and that was part of the problem: I wasn't aware of my gradual weight gain. On May 24th, the day this started, I weighed in at 165.0 pounds. Then I actually gained a pound over the next day or two somehow but Matt relaxed me by saying that he read that happens to people sometimes (yes, he read books about this and gave me the summaries). I didn't notice a whole lot of change with my weight for the first few weeks, basically going between a .5- and 1.5-pound loss. Not exactly the kind of results I was working so hard for. But the results came. June 20th was the first day my weight dropped below 160, measuring in at 159.5. It's milestones like that that helped encourage me. By July 16th, I was down to 154.5 -- down more than ten pounds. It felt good. And last week, for the first time, I was down 20 pounds. 20 pounds in 15 weeks... not bad!
So, a quick summary of how I did it:
- Eating smaller portions (it can be done gradually -- no need to stuff yourself!)
- Eating healthier foods: salads instead of fried stuff
- Snacking on less, and snacking less often (chewing gum actually helps)
- Keeping a food log
- Cardio and ab exercising
- Going on the scale often
- Having a coach to help and inspire you
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
So Long, Summer
Friday, August 22, 2008
At the Taconic Deli
This is from the gas station deli in Hopewell Junction.
Sent from my Palm Centro smartphone.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Handicapped Parking Sign
At least it's not one of those "person first priority parking" signs that don't make any sense.
Sent from my Palm Centro smartphone.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Saturday, July 5, 2008
So today, the idea of going to the Black Hole emerged and I helped push the cousins into turning this talk into action. It was the five cousins (Matt, Gretchen, Kristen, my sister Jaclyn and me) going and it was our first "unsupervised" trip there (we had 29- and 28-year-olds going and Jaclyn was the younger at 19... it's not like we're kiddies anymore). Of course all of the moms reminded us to "be careful."
Matt was the first to jump, of course. Then Jaclyn eventually went, followed by Kristen. Gretchen walked down to the water without jumping, leaving no one to take the picture for me. At least that's what I kept telling myself. Well Matt eventually came back up so I finally decided to jump. I counted to three and there I went. And Matt got me the picture. I swam around with Kristen and Gretchen for a bit while watching some of the other people (yes, there are others) jump in.
It was finally time to get out. We usually go to the left and carefully climb out over the rocks over there but it's always kind of scary because they're slippery and I can definitely envision something going wrong. So this time, we decided to go right because it looked easier and safer. Gretchen went first, then me, and Kristen was following. It was my turn to get out but I somehow slipped on this rock in the water and I guess jammed my foot in a small hole between a bunch of other rocks. Yeah, it hurt. Kristen asked if it was "stubbed-toe hurt or broken-toe hurt." I said stubbed because I had never before broken anything, but then I realized that it might actually be worse than stubbed. I still had to get out of the water though, now afraid and also unable to put weight on my right foot. Kristen and Gretchen helped me get out and I basically had to pull my way through. At this point, something felt almost numb and I still had to get out of the area and up to the road. They all helped me get out of there and it took me a long time to do that.
We stopped at Stewart's to buy medical tape and also some ice cream sundaes. It was a challenge hopping into there and embarrassing because of the other people around to watch. But we enjoyed the ice cream and then Kristen taped my two toes together and Gretchen retaped them once we got back to the trailer. I also got some medicine and the pain went away significantly.
We pretty much think my right "ring finger toe" is broken, with the "pinky" also at least bruised. Yes, it hurts and getting around is very difficult. Now I have to ask others to help get me things, just like Grandma and, to a lesser extent, Grandpa oftrn ask me to help them. It's a very weird position.
Of course the first time we go "unsupervised" to the Black Hole, someone gets hurt. And of course that someone had to be me. And of course my story is kind of wimpy... it happened while getting out, not jumping in. (We actually decided to tell my parents at first that I got into a fight with a grizzly bear to save my sister.)
Perhaps the worst part is that I'm mad at myself. I'm mad that I let this happen to myself. I don't think I ever take physical risks and was proud of the fact that I had never really seriously hurt myself, let alone break anything. And I still don't think I really took a risk today. I just slipped.
I really hope this thing heals quickly. In the meantime, I'm just going to keep on hopping and hobbling along.
Sent from my Palm Centro smartphone.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Boating and Stargazing up at the Lake
And then today at around 12:30, I went down to the beach and hung out with everyone there until a little after 7. It was a really nice day. The weather was perfect and it was just awesome. I think it was around 4:00 when Nick and I decided to take the boat out and go swimming. Justin came with us, too. We were on there for like an hour and a half. It was the first time that I was the oldest kid on the boat... I was the responsible one. I had to come back to the trailer for dinner but went back out to hang out with the kids at around 8:30. Then from around 9 until 10:30, Nick, Tyler and I took the boat out again to look at stars. I found three satellites in about 10 or 15 minutes. Then Tyler found two. And then he kept finding more, I think a total of five. So I felt like the mentor, teaching Tyler how to find those and Nick on how to find the shooting stars and they were finding a whole lot more than me. And then we did more stargazing until 11 because one of them actually has a bedtime (they're both 13, come on). So I came back to the trailer and watched some WRGB/CBS 6 News with Grandpa before convincing him to come outside with me to look at the stars. He found one satellite and we both saw the same two pretty decent shooting stars in the 50 minutes we were out there. The only thing better than seeing a shooting star is seeing one with someone else.
I'm having a ton of fun up here... and I feel like I could stargaze all night long. Tomorrow's weather might not be so nice, though...
Sent from my Palm Centro smartphone.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Manuel and Beltran Ejected

Whatever. The Mets lost to the Mariners, the worst team in all of Baseball, 11-0. They've been outscored 16-2 in the two games of this series so far. The Mets are now 37-39.
Maybe I should listen to my buddy Doug when he says, "This team just isn't good."
Gas Update
Sent from my Palm Centro smartphone.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
On the Minne-Ha-Ha
Sent from my Palm Centro smartphone.
Friday, June 20, 2008
On the Beach
Sent from my Palm Centro smartphone.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
The Mets Turn a New Page
Most fans, though, wanted Willie gone but now everyone feels bad for him and is criticizing the team. Way to go. They couldn't even pull off making a decision that the consensus wanted. That takes a major screw-up.
I think Omar Minaya has to start fearing his own job security and, if they Mets don't turn it around, he could be gone before next season. He loaded up the Mets with so many aging players and relied way too much on Alou being healthy. There was no backup plan until now that he's on the DL for the third time before the first three months were done.
I've got to wonder if what happened at the beginning of tonight's game (with Reyes showing that he was slightly hurt, Manuel deciding to replace him with Easley, and Reyes storming off the field and throwing down his helmet) was possibly a stunt to show that he's boss and that he's not Randolph. But I'm probably being too cynical.
Still, I'm kind of excited about this. We needed something. It almost feels like a new season and I'm curious to see how different Manuel's managing style will be.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Live from Brant Lake
Life is good.
Though it looks like rain could be on the way.
Sent from my Palm Centro smartphone.