Thursday, June 5, 2008

No Trans Fat?

As always?

As you can see, the finer print on this bottle of Skippy peanut butter says "per serving."

Per serving?!?

So basically, if you have the serving size of 2 tablespoons (or 32 grams), you're going to consume next to zero trans fat. I get that. But when you say "As always, no trans fat," you're saying that there's no trans fat. When you add the "per serving," it ceases to make any sense. Even if it has .0001 grams of trans fat per serving, that doesn't actually round down to "no."

No means no, or at least it used to.

1 comment:

queenbee123 said...

First off, though I dread even saying it, does this mean the end of xanga? Because that would truly be a sad day, seeing as how I only started mine so I could stalk you.

Next, nothing today, or hardly anything, is really what it ought to be. Society's evils have even overtaken everyones first love, peanut butter :( Tis the way the world works, I'm afraid.